
 BCA-305 Organizational Behavior 

UNIT: 1 

Concept, Nature, Characteristics, Conceptual Foundations and Importance, Models of Organizational 

Behavior, Relationship with other fields. 

UNIT: 2 

Perception: Concept, Nature, Process, Importance. Management and Behavioural Applications of 

Perception. Attitude: Concept, Process and Importance. Personality: Concept, Nature, Types and Theories.Learning: 

Concept and Theories of Learning. 

UNIT: 3 

Motivation: Concepts and Their Application, Principles, Theories. 

Leadership: Concept, Function, Style and Theories of Leadership- Trait, Behavioural and situational 


UNIT: 4 

Group Dynamics: Definition, Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Formal and informal 

Groups, Group Processes and Decision Making, Dysfunctional Groups. 

Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Functionality and Disfunctionality of Conflict, Classification of Conflict; 

Intra-Individual, Interpersonal, Inter-group and Organizational, Resolution of Conflict. 

UNIT: 5 

Organizational Power and Politics: Concept, sources of Power, distinction Between Power and Politics, 

Approaches to Power, Dysfunctional Uses of Power and politics. 


1. Newstorm John W. – Organizational Behaviour : Human Behaviour at work( Tata Mc. Graw Hill, 

12th Edition). 

2. Luthans Fred- Organizational Behaviour( Tata Mc Graw hill) 

3. Robbins Stephen P.- Organizational Behaviour( Pearson Education, 12th Edition) 

4. Hersey Paul, Blanchard, Kenneth H and Jhonson Dewey E.- Management of Organizational


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